sorry for the lack of regular posts over the last couple of weeks but the reason is right here. Well not specifically the ladies in the picture but the two little cherubs on Mum's knee.
You see it's school holidays here in this part of the world and that means my two little munchkins are at home keeping Dad amused. Well least ways Dad is trying to keep them amused.
Movies, skateboard parks, the pool. You name it I've been doing it - all except photography and blogging that is! So I'll be taking some time off from the blog over the next couple of weeks and will be back fresh and full of ideas in 2009. I've got some ideas of where I'd like to take the blog but would love some suggestions on things you would like to learn more about. I really did set this thing up to be a resource for you the readers so if you have any questions please stick them in the comments section and I will try and help out.
So until next year have a great break and happy snapping!
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