Travel photography by its documentary nature is usually a take it as it comes kind of exercise. Apart from asking people to move a little bit, or pose this way, we rarely get the chance to direct the scene in front of us.
Commercial travel photography, on the other hand, is a completely different kettle of fish. We are the masters of our universe and get to control quite a lot in order to create an image that fits with our vision.
I thought it might be interesting for the readers to take a look at an image that I created from my commercial shoot up at the Herberton Historic Village a couple of weeks ago and just see the thought process that went into it.
I had already ruled out shooting in the shop itself because the reflections were too numerous to control (even with the miles of thick black cloth I'd brought with me) and visually it looked much better looking through the window.
Challenges: big sunlight reflections on the front of the right hand camera, a very dark inside compared to the cameras in the window and a tiny little window frame in which to shoot through.
I also put a flash in an umbrella in the very right hand corner of the frame to illuminate the background. Even though it's all natural light inside the wooden floors give it a naturally orange glow which is killed by the white light of the flash. So it's bright enough back there but the light looks horrible and cold.
I also handheld a flash (a 430 EX) just off to my left and pointed it at the left hand camera at a very low power (1/64th on manual) just to pop a bit of light into the black depths and lighten them up a bit.
So now I've cut out the reflections on the right hand camera, lightened up the left hand camera and brought the light levels up inside the shop and given it a nice orange glow to make it look inviting. Now it's time to bring in our models.
In our talks before the shoot we'd sort of worked out that the models were to be more 'accessories' to the actual displays so this wasn't exactly the shot we were going for but I wanted to try it just to see how it would look.
The first thing I noticed was that the models were pretty much in silhouette so I had Tracy hold a 430EX flash down beside her. The flash was pointing up at the ladies and fired at 1/128th power with an orange gel over it.
Our male model, Tim, was actually very tall so I had to get him to bend down so as I could fit him all in! So I had to hide him behind a camera so you couldn't see his bent legs.
And that's how I worked towards creating a final image that I had imagined on my scout the week before. Remember that these are all Jpegs taken from straight Raw files out of the camera - no post-processing whatsoever. I like to get things as good as possible when I push the shutter. You'll also notice that the look is natural. Anything I've added (lights, black reflectors etc) have been done to enhance the image while still showing people what they themselves would see if they visited. Even though it's a commercial shoot, and not documentary, I like to use the flexibility I have to create an image that is as natural as possible. Truth in advertising, who would have thought it?
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