When you fly into a destination you will be able to read all about your destination and look at pretty pictures of the place you're about to land.
One of the places on my long list was Wallaman Falls. For those of you who don't know it it's the larges single drop waterfall in the whole of Australia. It's just outside the little town of Ingham, a couple of hours south of Cairns.
When you get to the lookout the view is spectacular. As you can see from the image above it really is a beautiful place, and again one of those situations where it's almost impossible to take a nice photo. The cliches sell. Advertisers like to use an image that when a viewer sees it they instantly know where it is. That's why this view of Wallaman, taken from the one and only lookout, gets used again and again.
But as a photographic artist you feel a need to expand your vision. To get something unique. And in this particular case in order to get that view you're going to have to get hot, sweaty and tire yourself out a bit because it involves walking all the way to the valley floor to shoot the waterfalls from the bottom!
But seeing as I'd just spent an hour walking down there and was probably going to take another couple getting back up the steep cliff again there was no way I was going back without a shot.
So I would whip my camera out in between bursts of waterfall spray and push the shutter like a madman. And lo and behold a couple turned out OK. This one ended up being chosen by my agent as well as the cliche shot, which goes to show that a little bit of effort won't always be worth it if the weather's not on your side, but sometimes lady luck smiles on you!